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Major Activities

The IME Foundation has also supported in building the "Rainbow Bridge '' in Dhading, benefiting thousands of local people.

Inauguration of Amalachaur School, Baglung

Communication and Interpersonal Skill Development Session carried out for fifteen benefited children, Mahedra Bhawan Secondary School.

Oxygen Concentrator Distribution on COVID 19 Second Wave

IME Foundation assisted with 80 Oxygen concentrators to various regions of the country along with setting up an Oxygen Plant worth about Rs. 1,28,00,000/- at Shukraraj Infectious Diseases Hospital, Teku, Kathmandu.

Relief Distribution to Flood Victims of Terai Region

IME JTI Open Tennis Tournament 2021

Every year, it organizes the Under 16 (boys and girls) Open Tennis Tournament in association with JTI (Junior Tennis Initiative) that runs under the International Tennis Federation and All Nepal Lawn Tennis Association.

During the first outbreak of COVID, the IME Foundation launched “Bharosa Kosh” to support 79 bereaved Nepali families of the migrant workers for which the foundation provided Rs. 58,000/- per family as an effort to extend healing companionship to their grief

The foundation works towards providing a nurturing environment where players from various sports categories enhance their skills and employability alongside. The Club “FC Chitwan,” has shown remarkable performance in the first-ever franchise football tournament of the country “Nepal Super League.”

You can also be a part of this great initiative and support IME Foundation to reach its Mission by donating in undermentioned address and details:

IME Foundation
1st Floor, IME Complex
T: +977-1-4217600 /4430600 | Ext.131
Panipokhari, Kathmandu

Account Name : IME Foundation
Account Number : 3302010000166
Account Maintained at Global IME Bank Ltd. Panipokhari, Kathmandu